Serving Size
4 slices
Prep Time
2 hours
Cook Time
22 hours
Wait Time
1 hour, 30 minutes
Total Time
24 hours
Attempt #1 – 22 + hour cook = Results were amazing!
- A Prime Brisket
- Seasoning:
- 1 cup Salt
- 1 cup Pepper
- 1 cup of garlic powder
- 1 cup of onion powder
- Trim
- Seasoning is a taste thing. Mine is above. Mix them into an empty shaker container.
- Season fat side let sit for 30 -40 min
- Season meat/Presentation side let sit for 30 – 40 min.
- Cook temp 190 F degrees for 8 hrs. Fat side up. About 8 hours
- Pull at 165 F Degrees.
- Wrap with foil or butcher paper to make a foil boat.
- Put it back on until you hit 200 F – 203 F Degrees internal temp / or go with Probe tender. About 12 hours’ish
- Pull it out – Rest 1 hours in a cooler – Eat

Where do I get a quality Brisket? Snake River Farms
Grades of meat:
$ Select
$$ Choice
$$$ Prime
$$$$ Wagu = Best
Hickory or Oak Pellets? More smoke use Oak
Couple of ways to cook it. Both simple.
Cook times – ish
12- 13 lbs
203 F = 10 hrs ish
190 F – 20 hrs
275 F Fat side up – Test for temp in the middle of the flat. Look for 203 F Degrees
Slicing – 2/3 rd is flat and the last 1/3 is the Point and needs to be sliced perpendicular to the flat.